So after getting sufficiently liquored up, we left and started to walk towards the Metro station. Then we start talking about more food that I should try (I love these discussions!) and decided to stop by a Mos Burger (I guess it's kind of like a healthier burger joint where you can get various types of "burgers"). I got a shrimp burger for later because we kind of knew this would be an all nighter.
So this is where it gets weird: we were walking to the station and as we get on the first of two sets of escalators there are two older Japanese guys- one who's CLEARLY very fucked up and another trying to coax him away from the base of the escalator where we were about to get off. We laughed to ourselves, got through the turn styles with our Metro cards (very similar to DC, by the way) and make our way down the second, much longer escalator. We make our way down, start chatting, laughing, "Oh that's so funny, blah, blah...I'm such a drunkard" THUMP!THUMP! (about 10 more of those). Moan, moan, moan....
Holy shit, dude, did that really just happen? Some drunk fucker fell down the escalator.
Mahnahjeh: There is blood.
Blood was starting to pool next to his head- we all looked at each other in horror and then I remembered "hey Suzanne you asshole- first aid training? helLO!" So Ryota and I rush over to him just as his stupid fucking co-workers run to him and go to try to pick him up- I think. The guy isn't really moving, he looks a little twisted, and isn't really saying much. "DON'T TOUCH HIM!" I finally screamed at them-in English- so they back off because I guess they realized the crazy white lady might do them harm. Then I took off my scarf to try to put near what I thought might be the head wound not realizing it's the ridiculously awesome mud scarf Nelia brought back for me from Africa. DOUBLE FUCK!
At this point I just started barking orders like an asshole- poor Ryota- he deserves a medal for dealing with me. He was trying to translate, but basically it was crazy all around. Thankfully the guy was somewhat coherent although I couldn't understand anything he was saying. Luke, who speaks pretty good Japanese from what I hear, told me later that the guy kept saying he was in pain. I think that's a good sign: not dead? Check! Not paralyzed? Hmmmm...maybe? Bleeding? DEFINITELY! All over my awesome scarf and later I realized on my hoodie and all over my hands and left arm.
Once the paramedics arrived I knew we could leave and the Metro police were nice enough to let me wash my bloodied hands in their sink. Nelia, girl, I had to trash your scarf because there was no going back for that baby. Then we made our way to Luke's house for Wii Beer Pong (It DOES exist!) and Wii bowling. And MAN! did I need a drink after that...
The last big event for the night was a trip to Don Quihotes (I'm not sure if it's spelled like that on purpose or if it's another Engrish moment). At this point we're hammered, but why stop now? Must. Buy. More. Alcohol. Before we left I stepped into the 'ole b-room and as I was leaving I realized- WHAT?! I just wiped my ass with Hello Kitty! Yep! I'm not sure if I'm more disturbed that you CAN wipe your ass with Hello Kitty or the fact that a GUY has it in his bathroom- guys would you buy that for your bathroom?
So we walk over there with me right behind Kara and as soon as we're in the store (with very narrow aisles, by the way) she takes off running so that now she and I are playing a drunken, dangerous game of tag near many breakable things. It was awesome!
So we got some more liquor, some snacks, and some weird candy chocolate things Luke insisted we "try." Uh- I don't know about you, but when someone says that they KNOW it's something fucked up and just want to see the expression on your face when you eat it. BUT- had we been sober....
So these chocolates seem normal until you realize it's kind of like a chocogame where everyone takes a piece and out of a seven piece bag three are chocolate filled with jalapeno peppers. Wait- what? So who got the first ones, Ryota and I- DAMN! Who got the last one? Ryota! Awww...evil gaijin fuckers strike again....
Then we all passed out.......................................................................................................
We were just talking about horses the other day! How does it taste? I can't believe that happened to that guy on the stairs!
Should you ever make it back to Florida, I am taking you to the barn and you can explain to Fletch exactly what you did. And not the helping the guy. What do you have against gift scarves anyway?
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